Contribution Guide

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Collaborate with us

We aim for indexed.eth to be a robust source for developers to utilize as a resource for research and development for Layer 2 solutions.

Keeping information up to date

For Non-Developers

Please open a new issue in the Github Repo.

Navigate to "Issues" in the top nav and click the green "New Issue" button.

Please include the information below if requesting to add a new service/chain:

  • Tx cost ( average )
  • Consensus
  • Finality
  • $ Efficiency
  • Max TPS

Using the Ethereum mainnet as an example, the data would look something like:

Tx cost (average): $0.36 (29 gwei)
Consensus: Proof of work
Finality: Probablistic
Efficiency: Medium
Max TPS: 12.6

Feel free to include additional info and data.

For Developers

Github Repo

Below you can find notes on the libraries we use for this project. Docusaurus follows a very simple pattern. If you only need to update the markdown file for a specific doc, simply create a PR and follow the instructions (there are only a few) in the PR template.

If you are creating a brand new doc page, follow the instructions for creating a new doc page on the Docusaurus V2 docs site.


We use Docusaurus V2, high level (and low level) docs can be found at their official site. We do not deviate from the "classic" template.

React Libraries

We utilize the following react libraries:

Doc Structure

All docs are written in markdown and can be found in the docs/ directory.

Please update pertinent docs by creating a PR via the official repo.

If creating a brand new doc page, please follow the naming and id conventions outlined in the docusaurus v2 docs, and make sure to include the new page in the sidebars.js file.

Component Structure

Components not included in the "classic" docusaurus template can be found in src/components/ and the accompanying css in src/css/.

Data Structure

The data displayed within the Hero and Table compononents is derived from the json files in src/data/. If data is to be updated within these components simply updated the appropriate files.

Run Locally

git clone
cd indexed/
yarn install
yarn start